Spiritual Support
“Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow,
but this same necessity of loving service to counteract their grief and heals them.” – Leo Tolstoy
“It’s incredible what people at home can do and what they want to do just to keep people at home … When they go into the hospital, they become patients, but they’re really people. In the hospital you can forget: they’re all in the same kind of rooms; they’re all in the same kind of gowns; they all have tubes and things hooked up to them. But at home, they’re people. They’re in their house, they’re surrounded by their photographs, the things they’ve worked for all their life. They’re people first, and then they’re patients.” Ms. P., caregiver
“To me, it just never stopped. It wasn`t the care, it was the whole commitment. It never went away.” Mrs. R., caregiver.
"How much time it takes? You never stop worrying about it - it is not full time job it is continuous job." (Michael W. Rabow, MD, Director, Symptom Management Service, UCSF)
Please contact our Spiritual Support. You are not alone. Let us walk together!